Nonso Afolabi, a renowned Nollywood actor, catapulted into the limelight following her starring role as Buchi in the award winning series, Tinsel , Bovi’s Back to School series and in "Mama and Papa God's Power," a web series co-produced with her husband, Lasisi Elenu. In 2017, she got awarded a degree from the prestigious New York Film Academy, where she successfully completed a course specializing in Acting for film.
Her acting prowess has also graced several Nollywood productions, including "Crazy People," "Jenifa's Diary," "Assistant Madam," "Tinsel," “Club”, “Almost a Virgin” and numerous others. She currently just wrapped on set of Biodun Stephen’s production of ‘5365’ Movie and is now on set of an Africa Magic production .Additionally, Nonso has collaborated with notable brands like Power Oil, Coinbase, Fekomi, Declan wine, various hair brands, and more. Beyond her acting career, she exhibits a fervent passion for cooking.
As a loving mother to three children, Nonso's culinary skills and acting talent make her an outstanding asset for any family-oriented brand.