Tinsel's plot revolves around two rival film companies: Reel Studios, founded by Fred Ade-Williams, and Odyssey Pictures, headed by Brenda "Nana" Mensah. Tinsel is a tale of drama, romance, betrayal and triumph.
Language(s): English
Directed by: Tope Oshin, Tolu Ajayi, George Sunom Kura, Victor Sanchez Aghahowa, John Njamah, Alex Mouth, Ben Chiadika
Written by: Yinka Ogun, Tunde Aladese, Tunde Babalola, Kemi Adesoye, Uju Asika, Yinka Ogun
Tinsel's plot revolves around two rival film companies: Reel Studios, founded by Fred Ade-Williams, and Odyssey Pictures, headed by Brenda "Nana" Mensah. Tinsel is a tale of drama, romance, betrayal and triumph.
Language(s): English
Produced by: Rogers Ofime, Lemmy Adebule, Jaiye Ojo
Directed by: Tope Oshin, Tolu Ajayi, George Sunom Kura, Victor Sanchez Aghahowa, John Njamah, Alex Mouth, Ben Chiadika
Written by: Yinka Ogun, Tunde Aladese, Tunde Babalola, Kemi Adesoye, Uju Asika, Yinka Ogun
Tinsel's plot revolves around two rival film companies: Reel Studios, founded by Fred Ade-Williams, and Odyssey Pictures, headed by Brenda "Nana" Mensah. Tinsel is a tale of drama, romance, betrayal and triumph.
Language(s): English
Produced by: Rogers Ofime, Lemmy Adebule, Jaiye Ojo
Directed by: Tope Oshin, Tolu Ajayi, George Sunom Kura, Victor Sanchez Aghahowa, John Njamah, Alex Mouth, Ben Chiadika
Written by: Yinka Ogun, Tunde Aladese, Tunde Babalola, Kemi Adesoye, Uju Asika, Yinka Ogun