This film, which was inspired by true events, is set in Lagos city and tells the story of two housewives whose bond of friendship seem unbreakable, but is filled with deceit and betrayal in the midst of the darkness that hovers above their relationships with their spouses.
Language(s): English
Directed by: Fabian Adeoye Lojede, Katung Aduwak
Written by: Katung Aduwak, Tenyin Ikpe Etim, Uyai Ikpe-Etim
This film, which was inspired by true events, is set in Lagos city and tells the story of two housewives whose bond of friendship seem unbreakable, but is filled with deceit and betrayal in the midst of the darkness that hovers above their relationships with their spouses.
Language(s): English
Produced by: Tenyin Ikpe Etim, Katung Aduwak
Directed by: Fabian Adeoye Lojede, Katung Aduwak
Written by: Katung Aduwak, Tenyin Ikpe Etim, Uyai Ikpe-Etim
This film, which was inspired by true events, is set in Lagos city and tells the story of two housewives whose bond of friendship seem unbreakable, but is filled with deceit and betrayal in the midst of the darkness that hovers above their relationships with their spouses.
Language(s): English
Produced by: Tenyin Ikpe Etim, Katung Aduwak
Directed by: Fabian Adeoye Lojede, Katung Aduwak
Written by: Katung Aduwak, Tenyin Ikpe Etim, Uyai Ikpe-Etim