This is the story of Okonkwo, an Ibo man who lives in the village of Umoufia, in Nigeria. It shows the traditions and culture of the Ibo people, while also telling Okonkwo's story.
This is the story of Okonkwo, an Ibo man who lives in the village of Umoufia, in Nigeria. It shows the traditions and culture of the Ibo people, while also telling Okonkwo's story.
Language(s): English, Igbo
Produced by: Francis Oladele, Wolf Schmidt, Edward Mosk
This is the story of Okonkwo, an Ibo man who lives in the village of Umoufia, in Nigeria. It shows the traditions and culture of the Ibo people, while also telling Okonkwo's story.
Language(s): English, Igbo
Produced by: Francis Oladele, Wolf Schmidt, Edward Mosk
Niyi Akinmolayan sits with ‘Mikolo’ cast Pamilerin Ayodeji and Fiyinfoluwa Asenuga to discuss his bold efforts to bring children’s films back to Nigerian cinemas; based
Niyi Akinmolayan sits with ‘Mikolo’ cast Pamilerin Ayodeji and Fiyinfoluwa Asenuga to discuss his bold efforts to bring children’s films back to Nigerian cinemas; based