Police Post is a satirical comedy created to Xray and attempt to address and correct anomalies in various Nations Police Forces' as well as citizens behavior. It's no news money is still the root of all evil, and in this modern age where ignorance is rewarded and what is popular is more important than what is right, the comedy Police Post lend's a voice to what is ''RIGHT'' thereby discarding what is popular. The comedy is set in a Police Post in The PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF AKATA, it has Four Major characters: Sgt. Otwetwe, Corporal Owhoko, Sgt. Anita and DPO as well as many more support characters. Sgt. Otwetwe and Cpr. Owhoko, represents the popular Police man who strongly believes and follows what is popular (Corruption), while Sgt Anita and DPO Stands for what is Right, even in the face of tempting and daunting challenges. Sgt. Otwetwe and Cpr. Owhoko live and breath corruption, if it is possible for them to detain themselves as long as it will generate money they will do it and this always put them at logger-heads with the DPO and Sgt. Anita who always sabotage their corrupt efforts to make illegal money at the die minute. The series also dramatizes the struggles of a failing lawyer (Barr. Snowball), who in the bid to make ends meet, Often time enters into shady deals with the corrupt officers which never ends well. Above all, the comedy series exposes the misuse of power, office, money etc. It treats different civil and criminal cases in the most humorous manners, thereby entertaining as well as educating and informing the viewer.