This comedy/drama movie follows the hilarious adventures of three grandmas who decide to take a much-needed all-girls trip to a resort where they have the adventures of their lives, in order to relive their youthful days and rediscover themselves, Things get more interesting as the possibility of one of them finding love again is very high.
This comedy/drama movie follows the hilarious adventures of three grandmas who decide to take a much-needed all-girls trip to a resort where they have the adventures of their lives, in order to relive their youthful days and rediscover themselves, Things get more interesting as the possibility of one of them finding love again is very high.
This comedy/drama movie follows the hilarious adventures of three grandmas who decide to take a much-needed all-girls trip to a resort where they have the adventures of their lives, in order to relive their youthful days and rediscover themselves, Things get more interesting as the possibility of one of them finding love again is very high.