Frustrated by their failure to break into Nollywood, two childhood friends, Ose and Abacha went into fraud as a side hustle. Unluckily for them, Yahoo doesn't pay them as quickly as they they decide to find a faster approach – Yahoo + (internet scam with the use of juju).
Frustrated by their failure to break into Nollywood, two childhood friends, Ose and Abacha went into fraud as a side hustle. Unluckily for them, Yahoo doesn't pay them as quickly as they they decide to find a faster approach – Yahoo + (internet scam with the use of juju).
Frustrated by their failure to break into Nollywood, two childhood friends, Ose and Abacha went into fraud as a side hustle. Unluckily for them, Yahoo doesn't pay them as quickly as they they decide to find a faster approach – Yahoo + (internet scam with the use of juju).