Coming Soon: We Are Good People is a thrilling drama that follows the lives of a group of friends whose bonds are tested after a night filled with
secrets, lies, and unexpected events. The story revolves around Mike, Aliyu, Tiwa, Osasu, Reggie, and Temi, whose lives become intertwined in a web of deceit and tragedy.
The narrative unfolds with a one-night stand between Mike and Blessing, leading to a series of revelations that disrupt the group dynamic after a surprise engagement announcement by Temi. This Brings tension, exposing hidden motives and personal vendettas. The situation
escalates into a violent confrontation between Tiwa and Aliyu, resulting in an accidental death.
Faced with the consequences, the friends struggle with moral dilemmas and decide to dispose of the body to avoid legal repercussions. As law enforcement discovers a clue at the dumping site, the end credits hint at potential consequences that the characters may have to face.
We Are Good People explores themes of betrayal, friendship, revenge, and the consequences of one's choices.