This story follows two brothers, Jaiye and Juwon Kuti. Drama ensues when Jaiye - the elder brother, a university lecturer, highly-educated but poor - is forced to move into his junior brother's house, a school drop-out, but very rich. Both brothers are complete opposites.
This story follows two brothers, Jaiye and Juwon Kuti. Drama ensues when Jaiye - the elder brother, a university lecturer, highly-educated but poor - is forced to move into his junior brother's house, a school drop-out, but very rich. Both brothers are complete opposites.
This story follows two brothers, Jaiye and Juwon Kuti. Drama ensues when Jaiye - the elder brother, a university lecturer, highly-educated but poor - is forced to move into his junior brother's house, a school drop-out, but very rich. Both brothers are complete opposites.