In the bustling streets of Lagos, a devoted, low-income taxi driver discovers an abandoned baby in his cab. As he embarks on a relentless quest to reunite the infant with its mother, he collides with a shocking revelation about his own wife, forcing him to navigate the complexities of love, sacrifice, and the power of forgiveness.
In the bustling streets of Lagos, a devoted, low-income taxi driver discovers an abandoned baby in his cab. As he embarks on a relentless quest to reunite the infant with its mother, he collides with a shocking revelation about his own wife, forcing him to navigate the complexities of love, sacrifice, and the power of forgiveness.
Language(s): English
Produced by: Dotun Olakunri, Steve Gukas, Chioma Ezeani
In the bustling streets of Lagos, a devoted, low-income taxi driver discovers an abandoned baby in his cab. As he embarks on a relentless quest to reunite the infant with its mother, he collides with a shocking revelation about his own wife, forcing him to navigate the complexities of love, sacrifice, and the power of forgiveness.
Language(s): English
Produced by: Dotun Olakunri, Steve Gukas, Chioma Ezeani