‘Criminal Director Dolapo Adigun on Her Filmmaking Journey at Anthill Studios

Dolapo Adigun’s journey from an aspiring filmmaker to the director of the suspenseful thriller ‘Criminal’ is a narrative rich with ambition, transformative mentorship, and creative exploration. In an exclusive conversation with Nollywire, Adigun reflects on her remarkable evolution, the profound influence of mentorship, and the nuanced storytelling that marked her debut film.

Adigun’s path to filmmaking was neither quick nor easy. Her initial enthusiasm was evident during her master’s programme, where she frequently discussed her aspirations to direct. She admits, “During my master’s programme, I would talk endlessly about directing films, even though I didn’t fully grasp what it involved. I was passionate but had limited knowledge.” This fervour, while evident, was grounded in a nascent understanding of the industry’s demands.

The true shift in her career trajectory occurred after completing her master’s degree and securing a job in a field unrelated to film. Adigun realised the need to realign her focus to filmmaking. She recalls, “I realised I needed to pivot towards filmmaking. I told my boss I wanted to switch to graphic design, believing it would be a gateway into the film industry.” For the next six to eight months, Adigun threw herself into graphic design, editing, and visual effects. 

Her hard work and dedication soon caught the attention of Director Niyi Akinmolayan, who became an important mentor. Known for his work on blockbusters like ‘The Wedding Party’ and ‘Chief Daddy,’ Akinmolayan played a significant role in her development. “Anthill Studios, led by Mr. Niyi, was a turning point for me. He recognised my potential and provided opportunities that were vital for my growth.” 

She continued, “I remember on the set of ‘House of Secrets,’ Mr. Niyi allowed me to shadow him closely. He would explain his decisions and let me direct a few scenes. The opportunity for me to direct ‘Criminal’ was basically the culmination of years of preparation and mentorship. When he offered me the role, I was overjoyed! It was a moment I had dreamed of, and I embraced it with all my energy.”

Transitioning from an editor to a director involves more than just role change. It also requires a deep understanding of how each scene fits into the broader narrative. As an editor, Dolapo developed a meticulous eye for detail and a strategic mindset, always considering how each piece would contribute to the final product.

One would say that this background gave her a unique advantage when stepping into the boss’ chair. “As an editor, I learned to consider the final product from the start. I tried to consider each scene’s role in the overall story. This helped me make informed decisions during filming,” she explained. She crafted the film’s trailer to build suspense, reflecting the film’s twists and turns. “Watching audiences connect with the film has been incredibly rewarding,” she added.

Looking ahead, Dolapo is excited to explore new genres and continue evolving as a director. “I’m eager to tackle diverse projects and blend technical precision with creative storytelling,” she stated.

Dolapo Adigun’s career is one to watch. With ‘Criminal’ as proof of her growth and potential, her future projects will undoubtedly be met with anticipation and excitement. As she ventures into new genres and explores the complexities of human experiences, we hope her unique voice and perspective will undoubtedly enrich the Nollywood landscape. 

>>> Watch trailer and see more details about titles from this story: Criminal
>>> Learn more about the people mentioned in this story: Chuks Joseph, Funlola Aofiyebi-Raimi, Uzor Arukwe, Niyi Akinmolayan, Anthill Studios, Dolapo Adigun