Michelle Okwosha, an exceptional child actor and dancer hailing from Imo state, has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Her notable roles include performances in films like "True Colour"- A Prime Take Productions, produced by Okechukwu Oku and directed by Cynthia Nwadiaro(of Cee-C BBNaija) and "God’s Wife" produced and directed by Dika Ofoma.
In the movie "What Happened Last Night," produced by The Gift Rogers Imagination and directed by Gift Rogers, Michelle portrayed the role of Sandra—a traumatized child from a dysfunctional home.
Born on June 25th, 2018, Michelle exhibits immense potential as a rising star in the world of child acting. The entertainment world is yet to witness the full extent of her talent, and anticipation for her future endeavors is high.
Michelle Okwosha, an exceptional child actor and dancer hailing from Imo state, has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Her notable roles include performances in films like "True Colour"- A Prime Take Productions, produced by Okechukwu Oku and directed by Cynthia Nwadiaro(of Cee-C BBNaija) and "God’s Wife" produced and directed by Dika Ofoma.
In the movie "What Happened Last Night," produced by The Gift Rogers Imagination and directed by Gift Rogers, Michelle portrayed the role of Sandra—a traumatized child from a dysfunctional home.
Born on June 25th, 2018, Michelle exhibits immense potential as a rising star in the world of child acting. The entertainment world is yet to witness the full extent of her talent, and anticipation for her future endeavors is high.