'Water and Garri' Press Conference with Tiwa Savage, Meji Alabi, Jimi Adesanya, and others - Nollywire

‘Water and Garri’ is a Deep Dive into Tiwa Savage’s Multifaceted Artistry

'Water and Garri' stars Tiwa Savage as Aisha, a fashion designer who returns to Nigeria after ten years in the United States, only to confront the violence and personal guilt she left behind.

Afrobeats star Tiwa Savage has expanded her creative horizons with her debut acting in ‘Water & Garri.’ Directed by Meji Alabi, the movie, which will begin streaming on Prime Video tomorrow, is an emotional narrative about homecoming and redemption.

Tiwa Savage and Meji Alabi explained that they sought to create a story that resonates on a deep emotional level. Savage explained, “We thought about telling the story in an exciting and relatable way so that people can feel something when they watch it.” She emphasised the film’s exploration of life’s complexities, capturing the “yin and yang” of human experiences. “Life is never black and white. Life is never like this; there are ups and downs,” she noted, inviting viewers to see the film for themselves.

Despite its African roots, ‘Water & Garri’ carries a universal message. Savage highlighted that the film resonated with audiences worldwide, transcending cultural boundaries. “It still resonated with African Americans, with white people, and people who weren’t even of African descent,” she said. The movie’s themes of love, betrayal, and grief are universally relatable, making it a powerful narrative.

The success of ‘Water & Garri’ is an affirmation of the collaborative effort behind it. Tiwa praised her team, especially Vanessa Amadi-Ogbonna, for balancing various aspects of the production and supporting her dual roles as both lead actor and executive producer. “For me, it’s just about having the right people making the right decisions,” she said. The production, which spanned two years, was a joint venture between Everything Savage and Unbound Studios.

Tiwa Savage’s venture into acting is a return to her initial passion. “My first love was acting even before music,” she revealed, hoping to inspire others to pursue diverse talents. She found the transition smoother than expected, thanks to the support of her team. The film stars Jemima Osunde, Mike Afolarin, and Andrew Bunting, whose performances further elevate the story.

Tiwa personally financed the film’s production, showcasing her commitment to the project. Producer Jimi Adesanya revealed that Tiwa diverted some of her mortgage money to fund the film, a testament to her belief in the story. This project also symbolizes West African unity, with multiple languages represented in the film, underscoring a collective narrative.

Jemima Osunde and Andrew Bunting shared their memorable experiences on set. Osunde appreciated the beautiful location and the positive atmosphere, while Bunting recounted the spontaneity of filming a kissing scene with Tiwa shortly after meeting her. Their reflections highlight the genuine and engaging nature of the film’s production.

Through Aisha’s journey, viewers are invited to explore themes of homecoming, personal struggle, and redemption, making this movie a must-watch for anyone seeking an insightful cinematic experience.

>>> Watch trailer and see more details about titles from this story: Water and Garri
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