Set in modern Lagos, the story follows the lives of Chioma, and Abdul as they navigate their love and differences. One conversation unravels many untouched layers of their realities which puts their bond to the test.
Set in modern Lagos, the story follows the lives of Chioma, and Abdul as they navigate their love and differences. One conversation unravels many untouched layers of their realities which puts their bond to the test.
Language(s): English
Produced by: Mudiakeoghene Ori-Jesu, Uzoamaka Aniunoh, Nwani Orire, Josh Olaoluwa
Set in modern Lagos, the story follows the lives of Chioma, and Abdul as they navigate their love and differences. One conversation unravels many untouched layers of their realities which puts their bond to the test.
Language(s): English
Produced by: Mudiakeoghene Ori-Jesu, Uzoamaka Aniunoh, Nwani Orire, Josh Olaoluwa