"Ireti" is a story centered on Iyanu, a growing costume designer in Lagos, Nigeria, whose life is upended by a cancer diagnosis. As she navigates the complexities of medical treatment and its emotional toll, Iyanu finds strength in her devoted family's support. The story captures her internal struggles and resilience amid the debilitating effects of chemotherapy and isolation. Despite the shadows of despair, moments of creativity, warmth, and laughter with her mother and Aunty Lola bring solace. Ultimately, "Ireti" highlights the power of love, community, and hope in overcoming life's greatest challenges, as Iyanu discovers an inner strength she never knew she possessed.
"Ireti" is a story centered on Iyanu, a growing costume designer in Lagos, Nigeria, whose life is upended by a cancer diagnosis. As she navigates the complexities of medical treatment and its emotional toll, Iyanu finds strength in her devoted family's support. The story captures her internal struggles and resilience amid the debilitating effects of chemotherapy and isolation. Despite the shadows of despair, moments of creativity, warmth, and laughter with her mother and Aunty Lola bring solace. Ultimately, "Ireti" highlights the power of love, community, and hope in overcoming life's greatest challenges, as Iyanu discovers an inner strength she never knew she possessed.
"Ireti" is a story centered on Iyanu, a growing costume designer in Lagos, Nigeria, whose life is upended by a cancer diagnosis. As she navigates the complexities of medical treatment and its emotional toll, Iyanu finds strength in her devoted family's support. The story captures her internal struggles and resilience amid the debilitating effects of chemotherapy and isolation. Despite the shadows of despair, moments of creativity, warmth, and laughter with her mother and Aunty Lola bring solace. Ultimately, "Ireti" highlights the power of love, community, and hope in overcoming life's greatest challenges, as Iyanu discovers an inner strength she never knew she possessed.