In a groundbreaking move to bring an authentic Nigerian story to the forefront, American-based filmmaker Ola Yusuf, popularly called The Big Apple, has unveiled his latest project, ‘The Godmother.’ Co-directed alongside Adeoluwa Owu, the visionary behind ‘A Tribe Called Judah,’ a film that shattered box office records by grossing ₦1 billion, Yusuf aims to make a significant mark in Nollywood.
The five-part series revolves around the intricate web of politics, unionism, cultism, and power dynamics within the confines of a Nigerian academic institution. Set against the backdrop of the University of Ibadan (UI), ‘The Godmother’ offers a unique perspective on student life, corruption within the student union government, and the power struggles that define campus politics.
In an exclusive statement to Nollywire, producer Titilope Orire revealed, “It was supposed to be a film when the executive producer came to me. However, I recommended making it into a four- or five-part limited series because there was so much to tell, and the story has not been told like this in a very long time.”
Ola Yusuf, a relatively unknown name in Nollywood, expressed his passion for showcasing the Nigerian and African narrative on a global stage. He shared, “I have complete confidence in my team, and they are the best in the industry. The series is a reflection of the challenges faced during my time in Nigeria, and I believe it’s a story that has never been seen before.”
Co-director Adeoluwa Owu brings a wealth of experience to the project, having co-cinematographed ‘Far From Home,’ Netflix’s first Nigerian young adult series. The collaboration between Owu and Yusuf presents a visual and narrative feast that transcends the conventional storytelling norms seen in Nollywood.
‘The Godmother’ explores themes of corruption, rape, cultism, and the price of freedom, presenting a gripping tale inspired by true events. The narrative, set in 2006 but based on the experiences of Nigerian university students in 1999, aims to transport viewers back in time, offering a glimpse into the political and social climate of that era.
Choosing the University of Ibadan as the production location, Yusuf explained, “We wanted the story to have elements of unique architectural structures, and I couldn’t find those in UNILAG. In UI, we have those unique structures that actually depict an era.”
Despite facing challenges during the initial stages of production, including shutdowns and actors backing out, Yusuf remains undeterred. His background in filmmaking, including studies at prestigious institutions such as Full Sail University, Southern New Hampshire University, and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), equips him with the necessary skills to navigate the complexities of the Nigerian film industry.
‘The Godmother’ is a self-funded project, with Yusuf expressing hope for industry support and collaboration in the future. As he forges ahead with a vision to bring Nigerian stories to a global audience, the filmmaker remains resilient in the face of challenges, driven by his passion for storytelling and a determination to contribute to the success of the industry.
For now, ‘The Godmother’ stands as a testament to Ola Yusuf’s commitment to showcasing unique African narratives, and with both directors at the helm, the series is set to be a groundbreaking addition to Nollywood’s ever-evolving landscape.