Esther Audu started her acting journey during her secondary school years, initially aspiring to become a newscaster. Engaging in Drama and Literary clubs, she honed her skills through stage dramas. Her trajectory shifted in 1996 when she represented Nigeria at Kidafest in Ghana, sparking a profound passion for acting and redirecting her aspirations.
Her debut in lead movie roles, notably "Ungodly Romance" and "Sins of Rachael" in Jos by Alex Mouth, marked the pivotal moments that propelled her into the Nollywood limelight. Despite her undergraduate studies, Esther continued to pursue acting, featuring in "Fatal Mistake" by Norbert Ajagu in a significant supporting role. These early experiences laid the foundation for her flourishing career in the Nigerian film industry.
Esther Audu started her acting journey during her secondary school years, initially aspiring to become a newscaster. Engaging in Drama and Literary clubs, she honed her skills through stage dramas. Her trajectory shifted in 1996 when she represented Nigeria at Kidafest in Ghana, sparking a profound passion for acting and redirecting her aspirations.
Her debut in lead movie roles, notably "Ungodly Romance" and "Sins of Rachael" in Jos by Alex Mouth, marked the pivotal moments that propelled her into the Nollywood limelight. Despite her undergraduate studies, Esther continued to pursue acting, featuring in "Fatal Mistake" by Norbert Ajagu in a significant supporting role. These early experiences laid the foundation for her flourishing career in the Nigerian film industry.