CEAN President Ope Ajayi Clarifies Claims of Banned Box Office Meet-And-Greets - Nollywire

CEAN President Ope Ajayi Clarifies Box Office Meet-And-Greets Ban

Earlier today, a now-deleted ShockNG report sparked confusion among cinemagoers, claiming that the Film Distributors Association of Nigeria (FDAN) and the Cinema Exhibitors Association of Nigeria (CEAN) had banned meet-and-greet events in cinemas nationwide.

This statement quickly gained traction, raising concerns among fans and industry stakeholders. However, in a response to Nollywire, CEAN President and Cinemax CEO Ope Ajayi clarified the misleading claim, which would have greatly impacted how producers marketed new theatrical releases.

“Meet-and-greets are not banned,” Ajayi said. “Fans will always be able to meet their stars and their heroes. We’re just saying that the former situation, where actors go behind the box office to sell tickets, is no longer permissible.” Ajayi emphasised that meet-and-greet events will continue as part of the cinema experience but stressed that they must adhere to proper protocols.

“The events will always go on,” he assured, while reiterating that CEAN’s decision only targets the informal practice of direct ticket sales by actors at box office counters.

In addition, Nollywire obtained a copy of the January 5, 2025, memorandum circulated by FDAN Secretary Mary Ephraim-Egbas to the members of both FDAN and CEAN announcing the guidelines that Nigerian filmmakers must now follow to organise meet-and-greets, as well as the consequent sanctions.

On January 23, 2025, CEAN also issued a letter signed by its President, Ope Ajayi, to cinema operators nationwide, informing them about the new development.

This clarification underscores CEAN’s commitment to maintaining transparency and professionalism in Nigeria’s growing cinema industry while ensuring fans still enjoy access to their favourite stars.

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>>> Learn more about the people mentioned in this story: Ope Ajayi

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